Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

2nd – 17th of March – Mysuru / INDIA

 2nd – 17th of March MYSURU – INDIA Two-week workshop for beginners and advanced students WORKSHOPS: Asana work focused on building strength, stability, and a deeper understanding of a particular posture. Ways to deal with injuries and ailments. Different forms of activating Bandhas…

13th of April COLOGNE – GERMANY

Cologne – Germany Ashtanga Intensive Weeks 24.03. – 14.04.2025 Ashtanga Yoga Workshop “Kurmasana & Supta Kurmasana” 13.04.2025 PROGRAM OF ASHTANGA INTENSIVE WEEKS 24.03. – 14.04 MYSORE MORNING (primary & intermediate series) Monday  – Friday  07.00 – 09.00 LED CLASS FULL PRIMARY Sunday 09.00…

INDIA 2025

01.03 – 17.03 KARNATAKA, MYSORE Workshop for beginners and advanced. Morning practice: Pranayama, Dharana, Mysore or LED, 4 workshops Work in Asanas focused on building strength, stability, and a deeper understanding of a given posture. Ways to deal with injuries and ailments. Various…

Victorious Breath of Ashtanga Yoga

Tristana combines three elements that should occur in parallel during practice in every Asana. They are BREATH, BANDHA, and DRISHTI. In this article, I will describe UJJAYI, a way of breathing specific to Ashtanga Yoga. UJJAYI The first meaning we derive from the…

Training of the mind

Discipline is one of the basic ways of keeping the mind in check. Commitment and will are its components. Thanks to them, we make further attempts which let us deepen our knowledge over time. This way, we can improve our actions every time…

Moon days

Moon days Full Moon and New Moon in Ashtanga Yoga are considered days off the practice.  What are the grounds? The human body consists of 70% of water. Accordingly, just like other things that have a quality of water, we depend on the…


Pramanani Pratyakshanumanagamah Pramanani (1.7) In his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali defines PRAMANA as an ultimate verification of truth, a definite proof we can rely on when we decide and act. We follow it when we want to grow as beings returning to our True…

Why the right side first?

Why the right side first? The answer to this question concerns the aspects of the liver and the spleen, Nadi: Ida (Candra) and Pingala (Surya), the right and the left nostril, so also cerebral hemispheres, and both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems….

Principles of Ashtanga Yoga Practice

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali define grounded practice as the result of three components. Practicing should be: satkara – correct (proper) nairantarya – constant (systematic) and dirgha kala –  continued for a long time. Perception of a ‘long time’ changes throughout the years…

Variants of asana

The practice of the 1st Series of Ashtanga Yoga is supposed to heal the body, purify it and restore a state of our natural and maximum potential. There are two situations when variants of Asana get adapted: – When the body cannot do…